The timesheet page was defined to allow you to view whatever you deem important, especially from a position of preparing schedules for billing and/or payroll. Here are some common strategies and tips for reviewing schedules prior to billing and/or payroll.
The following guides all share the same Start Date and End Date, which should be set to the pay period start and end date.
Your payroll system will manage and keep track of employee time off balances. If you want to import schedules that are paid time off you will want to make sure that the amount you finalize is available in your payroll system. Here is how you can find those schedules.
Make sure you do not have any bill or pay rates that are either too high or too low. Adjust the filter values for Bill$ and Pay$ as necessary.
TODO: insert image of results and how to review data
TODO: insert image of results and how to review data
TODO: insert image of results
TODO: link to red flags page